Isnin, 25 Mac 2013

Contoh Transcription sem2..

The interview starting
The interview with Profesor Dr. Azmi
Group : Assalamualaikum, Sir Azmi. [saying the salam together]
Prof. Azmi : Waalaikumussalam.
Anuar : Sir, we are here would like to interview  you for a while about yourself. If you don’t mind. [teeth smiling]
Prof. Azmi : ooo..[sound of understand]Okay. It is okay. Everybody have seat boys.
Rizam : Can we start now, sir?
Prof. Azmi : Yup, you all can start now.
Randy : Thank you, sir. Okay, the first question is, can you tell us something about yourself? What is your level of education and how about your study background?
Prof. Azmi : I’m a lecturer for the course Teaching English in Second Language (TESL) in Faculty of Language and currently attached to Faculty of Languages as an associated Professor in teaching of English in second language.
Randy            : Ohh[understang signs]
Prof.Azmi : So, arrr[pause for a second]..previously I was the Director of the Center for Modern Language...ya[emphasis]..Center for Modern Languages[repeating words]..,that was untill 2009. Than before that, I was the Dean..ya[emphasis again]...
Randy : Ya[agree and show comfirmation]
Prof. Azmi : ...[continue his word]..Of the Faculty of[pause for a second]..for four years from 2002 untill 2006. So, my highest level of education would be Ph.D..Ph.D[repeating words to emphasis] field[pause for a second]..English language..English Language[repeating words to emphasis][pause a second]..specifically TESL..ha[stressed that word and emphasizes context]..TESL..Teaching of English as a second[pause while]..Anything?[asking back]
Randy : Hurm[relief breathing]...So, sir what your bitter sweet exprience before your become a successfull person like today.?What you...
Prof : Ahh[signs of understanding the question]
Randy : Can you sharing with us?
Prof : Oh[agree], my exprience hah[emphasis and asking for confirmation]
Randy : Ya[signs of confirm]
Prof : ha..[arethought and understanding signs]..before I entered..[stuck asecond]..before I become lecturer you know, I was sappointed as a lecturer in the university. I was formly a[pause] Institute Perguruan Sultan Idris..
Randy : oh..[signs of understanding]
Prof : ah..[emphasis]..IPSI..So, I had been..been[repeated word] here since 1995.
Randy : Oh[suprisingly]..Long time ago..
Prof : Yes..[agree].How many years already?[asking back]..ha[emphasis and relief breathing] ..quite sometime right?[answer in the form of question]
All Interviewers : Ohhh..hah..ya...[signs of agree and understanding]
Prof : ...and that time the university still not..hah[pause a second] know..hah[arethought and thinking]
All Interviewers : Not Upgrade yet...
Prof : Ya..[agree]..not..still not..not[stuck]..not form yet..hah[relief breathing] ar..I.. well several bitter sweet memories I guess, you know, and before that I was teaching in school..
All Interviewers : owh..[signs of understand]
Prof : ..secondary school hah.[emphasis]..for 7[pause while].. in Bota Kanan, Perak..[stop for a while to thingking]..Bota Kanan, Perak[repeated word]..[pause a second].. so, what ever good memories that I have ar..[pause a while for thinking].., basically involve[pause a second][pause a second]..teaching and also furthuring my studies ar..[pause a second].. in  I went to[pause a second].. United States of America, to futher my studies..or there so I have good memories there hah[amphasis]..
Anuar : Hurm[relief breathing]..any scholarship when yo go to....
Prof : To further my studies?[asking back for comfirmation]
Anuar : ya[signs of agree]
Prof :[pause a second].. oh.. when I further my studies my..did my masters..ah.[pause a second] ..yes I..I[repeated word].. obtained a schorlarship. Government scholarship. But for ar..[pause a second]
Saiful : yes[sign of understand]
Prof : ...for my Ph.D, I ar..[pause a second].. I was send by the university
Saiful : ohh..[signs of understand]
Saiful :So, what is the benefits of your carrier that you think...
Rizam : To our society..[interrupt]
Saiful : our society..society..[repeated word to show emphasis]..what is the benefits of your..ah.[stuck a second]..carrier?.ah[relief breathing]
Prof : ya..[sings of undertanding]..of course to educated the younger generation..
All interviewers : ya..ya..[signs of understanding and agree]
Prof : Right..[answer in form of question][pause a second].. of course educated younger generations and to[pause to think]..well trained teachers like you[stuck and pause a second to think]...contribute[pause a while]..our..our[repeated]..children in school[stuck in order to think] I have done my part right[pause to think].. to[stucked] train future teachers such[stuck]..such as youself..hah[relief breathing].. especially ar..[pause a second]..English language be send to the schools.
Randy : So, what do you think about the..[stop a while]..UPSI students who taking this EC subject, whether they, most of them reach the level[arethought]..been target by the universities..hurm[relief breathing].. So, what do you think about them?
Prof : ar..[pause a while]..depends on the individuals.hah[emphasis]..the..[stuck]..the course has ar..[signs of thinking]..its own objective.
Anuar : oh.[signs of understand]..
Prof :[stuck and sign of thinking] generals  as a whole..ok it a good course..hah.[stuck] and it cate[repeated word] the need of..of[stuck] the students..and..hurm[sign of thinking] were be able[stuck]..raise the..the language abality of the students...but.. ar[pause a second]..but..the students them self pehaps to put more efforts..hah..[relief breath]..into the..into[stuck to explain] rising their abilities in English you see..right.. hah[signs of satisfied]..they just cannot depends[pause a while] as whole 100%[stuck] the what they learn in the lecture the teaching[pause a second].. what they need to ar..[pause a second].. pu more efforts on their own..So, what can they do? So, what can the students do to improve[pause to think].. at your own time..outside their classroom.hah[emphasis].that..that[repeated] more[pause a second]..the individual students must work hard to achieved the..the objective..
All Interviewers : oh..ok[understanding signs]
Anuar : Ok sir, if you see now days, most of our[pause a second]..are getting involve in social problems such as a vandalisme, a gangsterisme an so on. So, based on your exprience, what is the best way to avoid[pause a second] to avoid their...
Randy : Young moral problems[interrupted]
Anuar : Young moral avoid..
Prof : Well, there are several factors why the..the[repeated word], their are involve in this socials problems.ya..maybe their..they came from..from..[stuck a while]..from family.. ah..[pause a while to think]..basically famiy, broken family for example.
All Interviewers : Yes[agree]
Prof : But, ar[pause a second]..but if you..if you[repeated word] ask me what can we done[pause to think].. to help those people..I mean the..the..youth you know..prevent them from being involve in these thing you know. Ar.[pause a second].. un acceptable activities hah..well first of all, get them to be involve in co-curricular activities.
All Interviewers : oh..ok[understand]
Prof : You activities ..get them to be intrested in playing games, involve in sports you see. So, now days they don’t seems to be involve in all this co-curricular activities.,
All Interviewers : ya..yes..[signs of agree]
Prof : ...even in schools..
Randy : Ya..we can see that most of the teachers tell the students why you involve in the sports.they force more in academic.
Prof : Ah..the..the[repeated word] focus and emphasis in schools especiallyright..for academic..we are..
Randy : ya..ya.[agree]
Prof : ..for academic..we are very exam oriented..
Randy : ya..ya..[agree]
Prof : ah.[pause].. we want achieve the most numbers ..numbers of A’s. Straight A’s for example...
All interviewers : Aha...[signs of understand]
Prof : You we tend to neglet the others activities. So, the..the students especially the ..the[repeated word] boys..they dont have know..arr[pause a second to think]..a chanel where they can let out their energy..right. Or their underpresure..
All interviewers : ya..[understang signs]..
Prof : They cannot let out their energy.So they dont know where to turn too, who to turn too...right.
Randy : Yes.[agree]
Prof : So, that why[stuck a second].the school like that,when they go back home maybe the parents are having problems. Personals problems..Nowadays, father and mothers they are working , when they go back no one at home. So, they feel neglected...hurm.[emphasis and relief breathing]..most of all they need attention.
Randy : Ya..[agreed signs]
Prof : They need people to...ya they need attention..they want to be noticed.Right..They want to be accepted..That’s why they want to mix with arrr..[pause a second to think]
Randy : Brothers...[interrup]
Prof : Group arr[pause a second]..friends...influence by this friends.It the friends is not[pause]..not so good, their friends influence is very bad or provide a bad influence , inmoral things, right[emphasis], then they will followed..because they dont have role-model.
Randy : ya..ya..ya..[agree signs]
Prof: That the problems..right?[to get ensure]I think you agreed with me right.[ask to ensure]
Randy: Ya we can see it nowadays.Happen.
Rizam: The youngster were not study.How to avoid them?
Prof: Those whose are not interested to study? Or they dont study? [asking back to ensure] 
Rizam : Ya..based on your opinion just now , the cocuriculum can avoid them at school..How about the...the people that did not study?
Prof : They don’t...They are not studying?
Rizam : Ya
Prof : Find something that interested them.You see...find something that interested.What, so what are the thing that they like[stuck asecond] do...they like to study or they like to read about..there a certain that they like to read right? Maybe they like to read[pause a second].sports for examples.Or they like to read about cars, automobils.You can related that to the   maybe[pause a second] technical things.Maybe they like to go to vocasional schools.
Randy : ya..[agree signs]
Prof : Technical schools for the skills. Maybe they are interested in certain skill they may want to study..
Randy : ya
Prof : maybe they not interested in the subject.That why they don’t study..But we can tried to make them interested in the subject.In the course.Try to make them realised why is it important for them to required the knowledge for that course. Create awareness...awareness..[emphasis]
Randy : What you can said about the PPSMI?
Prof : My opinion is ar..I..I..[stuck a second] I support PPSMI. I feel the..the[stuck a while] policy is arr[pause a second] beneficial if implemented effectively.
Randy : ohh
Prof : see the policy it is good. Where we want to expose our students to knowdledge ar.[pause a second]. information which now been return produce in English .
Randy : yes
Prof :, we want expose our children..our children[emphasis][stuck a second] that so that they can compete globaly, but the problems here is why people now seem to critisis PPSMI is the implementation weakness in the implementation specially in school or also in a among the educators also you see educators, the teachers, many..they are..are not prepared to handle.. ar[pause a second].. classes in English. Some are not in option. They are not train as a.. in a..a[repeated] English.they are not train to teach Math and Science in English. The course that they..they go. Te short course is not enough. You see. The problems here is not PPSMI. The objective is good. The purpose is a, or now we can see the rational that, but the problem life is impletation, there so many weakness in the implementation.
Randy : To change the book
Prof : Everything, material the teaching, the teachers...
Randy : The students also got the problems to the..
Prof : the students they are intrested. If you ask the students whether they like or not learning the Mathemathic and Science in English. You ask the small kids. The small children. They said they want.
Randy : the implementation is bad..
Prof : Hah, the implementation. There are many weaknesses in implementation. Not the policy..
Randy : I see many diffrent cases..
Prof : Ya.. so that is my opinion..
Randy : Ok Prof, like what we can see today. Our universities got a posting problems. We also got a problems with KPM. Actually which side should be blame on this problems and what level should be achieved by all UPSI students to make sure they can be posting to school?
Prof : No, actually we don’t blame anyone..don’t blame anyone[repeated and emphasis]. So the best thing now is work together[emphasis]. The university work together  with ministry to find a solution..o find a solution[repeated word to show the emphasis] the problem. So, work together for the benefit of the students. You see. Like to think that this problems is only temporarily..temporarily..maybe certain batches of the graduates they are not posted arr.[pause a second].in a short time but i’m sure after further discussion they will be posted later, maybe will take longer. But at the end of the day, they will be posted. But also this got certain field not all. You see such primary school so they have a little bit problems there. Because of the distribution of the teachers. Some places there are more teachers, some places there are lacks of teachers, less teachers. So, they are try to solve the problems, i’m sure at the end many, most of the students will get posting but some take longer, some will take short. But, so in preparation let say, for the graduates ar.[pause asecond]. how do you prepared yourself, you make sure that you have the extra abilities, extra skills, arr[pause a second to think].. exra knowledge ar.[emphasis]. you build on that. You have all things to offer, maybe build on your communication skills, even your communicate better. Not only ‘Bahasa Melayu’ also in English. If you can have another language much better. Nowdays, there are learning the third language, Mandarin, Arabic, Tamil yes maybe later, but in university now offering Mandarin, German right..Spanish, France , see..Advantage for a have more than one language arr.. you have two or three languages. You are multi langual, you are the best, better. So, you prepared your self and then, what else, besides communication skills maybe you know sports, ok..sports sports..certain skills in sport, coaching[pause a second]..what else a things that you are skill in..
Anuar : leadership...[interrupted]
Prof : leadership know mixwell with other people and a your personality on your appreance and personality, build your personality, so that when people look at you, they are impressed by you, your personality, how you act, be confident, look confident, so this is how you build youself to be able to compete wuth the other students.
Safuan : Last word from sir..can you give some advice to all our youth to become a successfull person in future..
Prof : Well, arr..[pause a second] always strive for excellent, always go for excellent and never give up, ok. Even if you faced a many challengges alright, never give up. Thats a what I feel, always strive for excellent in what ever that you see..because in the current competetive world, global world, they would hope for excellent because you have goingcompete wuth other people. In the international arena, not enough if you excel  your on topin Malaysia, or worse in your state only, or worse in your village only you ‘kampung’. You have go outside. Outside of your state, or outside of your district your state or outside of Malaysia. You go outside, go overseas, international strive for excellent. To go there, to make yourself known internationally, so you need to strive for[pause a second]..they respect people who are excellent and you never give up. Always try your best. That all is my advice to the youth.
Randy : so not only in academic which..
Prof : Anything that you do..anything that you do, business always said try the best, be the best businessman. If sport, always try to be the best sporstman or you know best coach..your..your players always became champions..ha..ha..ha..[everybody at the room laughing]
Randy : Sir I think,arr.[pause a second to thinking].all our question have been answer by sir, so I thing we arr.[pause a second].we ending our interview. So that we want to give some sir..

The interview end

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